Ballarat Urban Navigation Series (BUNS)
What is BUNS? A series of navigational events held in the streets and parks of Ballarat, encouraging people to visit some of the less common and little known areas of town. Participants will be given a map with up to 20 designated locations marked and the challenge is to find as many of these as possible in 45 minutes. Each location has a value of 10 points, and the idea is to score as many points as possible. To ensure that you get back to the start/finish on time, a penalty of 5 points per minute will be deducted if you are late returning. No need to pre-register, just turn up on the day. Tip: Make sure you bring a watch, or use the stopwatch feature on your mobile phone, to keep track of the time.
How much does it cost? Cost per entry (individual or group) – $5
Why is it fun? You will exercise your body, and also your brain, as it will be up to you to decide the order you visit the locations and your route between them. As these events are in the suburbs of Ballarat, the navigation is no harder than reading a street map. But choosing the best and fastest route may be tricky! Challenge yourself either as a group, a pair or individually on Saturday mornings. You can walk, run, bring the dog, push the pram – go at your own pace. Set a target – and see if you can improve over the series.
When is it happening? Round 9 of the series will begin in Spring 2018.
Spring/Summer events are run in the early evening, register at 5.30pm for a 5.45pm start.
OK! Where do we find BUNS?
A new BUNS series will be organised in Spring 2018, when the weather is warmer and Daylight Savings has begun. In the meantime, you’re most welcome to come and try our Winter Bush Series events, being held on alternate Sundays from July to September 2018. More information under Upcoming Local Events on the top of the Homepage!
More information? To enquire about BUNS, or to request a subscription to our BUNS news mailing list, please send an email to or complete the form below and we will get in touch.
If any schools, sports or community groups are interested in a customised BUNS experience, or a more formal orienteering activity, for team-building, teaching, fun, physical training and/or exercise, please get in touch with us at the BUNS email address provided.
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