Hello Eureka Orienteers
Geoff and I want to thank everybody who helped out on the weekend at Kooyoora. We would be unable to run the Ultra Long without the support of the club, both financially and with “man/woman” power. Your cheerful willingness to help makes it all possible.
At the risk of offending others, we’d like to especially thank Ian (“The Wizard”) Chennell whose technical expertise and innovation took the event to another level. He regularly amazes us with what he can do with a computer. And we must also thank Wendy Chennell for rearranging her plans so that Ian was free for the whole weekend. We hope that your studies were not interrupted and wish you well in your course.
Of course it is not just Ian who worked hard on the event. There were many others who spent many hours helping out each using their own particular skills.
We are indebted to you all for enabling us to make our idea of an “Elite” event actually happen.
Look forward to seeing you all next time in the bush (under less stressful conditions)
Jenny and Geoff
(Ian’s Comments) I’ll add my thanks to those who did (and always do) such a great job with the event infrastructure setup work prior to the weekend. It is always fantastic to turn up to our events and find tents, tables, chairs, generator, power cables, control stands, taped-off areas, etc all set up and ready to go. For a relatively small O club, we regularly put on high-quality, national-level (and higher) O events that “punch well above our weight”.