Hi all
Now that the competitive 2012 season is coming to a close, we can get busy with preparations for December (aMAZEing Ballarat on Saturday December 1 AND the XMAS 5-Days – and our mtbo event at Indigo Winery Friday 28th December).
1 AMAZEing Ballarat.
Mark Valentine and Jamie Bobrowski are organising the event from the Ballarat East Gardens (same spot as last year) on Saturday am. please get your entry in before the 23 November deadline so you will not miss this ICON Eureka event. Entry form is on the Eureka homepage
( www.eurekaorienteers.asn.au )
2 XMAS 5-Days Beechworth.
Elsie Northey and her father Andrew Campbell will be putting out the controls around the popular Indigo Winery (Were you at the fun mtbo relay that Albury Wodonga Orienteers ran last year???). This event will start late in the afternoon and should give everyone 75 minutes of easy riding the trails between the rows of grapes and the surrounding beautiful rolling farm and bushland. Entry is thru the webpage on the VOA webpage ( www.vicorienteering.asn.au ) More information about the event is also soon to go up on the Xmas 5-Days website. So get your pushbike back in action for a leisurely ride around the vineyard and then at Stanley on Sunday afternoon 30th December. Contact Blake for details or if you can volunteer at the start / finish.
3 40th Wedding Invitation.
Helen & Terry are celebrating
Their 40th Wedding Anniversary,
On Sunday 25th November,
From 12 noon,
At their home,
14 Bloxham Court,
Hoppers Crossing, Vic, 3029
And would love for you to join with them
in their celebration.
(spit roast/BBQ lunch. Yet to be finalised)
BYO drinks
For catering purposes, please let us know if you can come.
Email us on; thaebich@bigpond.net.au
Phone/text us: Terry; 0417 348 768
Helen; 0427 494 558
Home; 03 9749 4558
4 Recent Event Summaries.
A. The Cyclic Navigator was a great success on the new map at “New Zealand Gully” . A good effort from Ken and Anitra (courses, webpage and food), Blake & Mark (start and finish), Dale (clean up), Ian (results), Jenny and Geoff (control pick up) and BJ (first aid). The profits will go to the Juniors Australian MTBO Fund to support young riders to major championships.
B. Roch’s Training Events on Sunday’s in past month have been well received by juniors and seniors alike – very positive comments about the learning exercises Roch has set (yes – he is back on his feet – see the VOA webpage).
C. Blake’s Damascus College Year 9 /10 events. Blake has been busy putting out controls, teaching, and picking up controls at the Damascus, University of Ballarat, Sparrow Ground and Canadian Forest South over the last 4 weeks. The events will culminate in a Yr 9 vs Yr 10 Challenge in the next fortnight on the Damascus College grounds. Roch has made the map revisions and, with some of Blake’s help, devised the courses.
D. Australian MTBO Championships at Taree NSW. Dale is the resident W70- Australian MTBO Champion after good rides at Taree and Port Macquarie! Blake finished well enough to score 15 points in M60- in the National MTBO Series – with Dale scoring 27 points in W70-. Victoria won the National Elite and Masters overall series – but lost the OA State Shield to NSW by 13 points (Victoria’s first loss of the plaque since WA in 2007) in a great competition with QLD, NSW and NZL. Well done to NSW’s David West for a great weekend of events in some beaut single track. Make your plans now for next year’s AUS MTBO Champs in Gympie QLD on 27, 28 July 2013 and help Vic win back the OA shield.