Hi Eurekans,

Reminder below from Rob Edmonds that online entries for the Vic Middle Distance Champs close this Sunday at midnight.  The champs are on the following Sunday, 15 May at Borhoney Ghurk near Elaine on a different section of the map used for the Australian Relays at the Dr Blake Carnival, so nice and close for us this year, and hopefully not as dry and dusty!

We’ve also got our second local BUNS event for this series on Saturday 14th 11.15am start at Delacombe Rec Centre, and a mid-week special at Victoria Park on Wednesday 11th for World O Day 4.30pm start at the picnic area on the north side of the park in the slip road off Sturt Street.  So almost a mini-carnival week ahead for us! 🙂

Cheers, Ian

——– Forwarded Message ——–

Subject: Vic Champs Entry Deadline
Date: Thu, 5 May 2016 19:12:28 +1000
From: Robert Edmonds <rob.edmonds@bigpond.com&gt;
To: Craig Feuerherdt <craigfeuerherdt@gmail.com&gt;, Debbie Dodd <debbiedodd@iinet.net.au&gt;, Gwennyth Baker <gandrbaker@bigpond.com&gt;, Ian Chennell <ian@chennell.com&gt;, Jim Russell <jymbo@dodo.com.au&gt;, Kathryn Preston <kewels@hotmail.com&gt;, Kathy Liley <kliley@netspace.net.au&gt;, Norm McCann <normmccann@optusnet.com.au&gt;, Peter Gossip <pggossip@bigpond.com&gt;, Robert Edmonds <rob.edmonds@bigpond.com&gt;, Suzanne O’Callaghan <mariesmoc48@gmail.com&gt;, Todd Neve <toddneve@gmail.com&gt;, Warwick Davis <dwarwick@bigpond.net.au&gt;

Could Eventor reps please send out a special reminder to their Club members that entry for the Vic Middle Distance Champs Pre-entry via Eventor, closes this Sunday.

Entries online close Sunday, May 8 at 11.59pm.

The Victorian Junior Squad will provide catering with all proceeds supporting the team’s expenses to this year’s Schools and National Carnival in Queensland.

