; text-indent:0px; text-transform:none; white-space:normal; word-spacing:0px; background-color:rgb(255,255,255); float:none; display:inline”>Good Afternoon all,

Thank you all who rocked up.

 An absolutely Great turn out  with a heap of new faces! (More new faces than returnees for this event)

Weather recovered from the early showers today with a challenging course around the University and Technology Park area with a good mixture of urban and semi-urban bush controls on an unseen section of map! the A3 extended from bell avenue to geelong road and covers IBM, SRo and FedUni with alot of historical Features.

Do you manage to find the historic bridge, Culvert, and various Mining features?

A lot of seasoned orienteers took on a bit of Tutoring with some newcomers, but other newcomers went out by themselves and absolutely smashed it. There was a secret message in the results that two newcomers managed to solve before they got around even the first few controls I believe, but they still managed to continue to collect a few controls.
Everyone hung around for a few snacks and a chat about the course.

Of course the Controls up on the hill slowed down a few, but not David who smashed the course in 34 Minutes.

No deductions for points this week, because James was feeling nice 🙂

Next event is next Thursday 17:30 in Nerrina calendars.https://eventor.orienteering.asn.au/Events/Show/6216

Thanks again everyone and we will all catch up again next week.

Name Points
Michaella 210
Lucas 210
Anita 130
Doug 130
Yvonne 110
Meghan 100
Freya 100
Elizabeth 130
Gary 190
April 130
Olivia 190
BJ 130
Rod 210
Stephen 230
Blake 230
Penny 80
David 300

Also worth noting MSW 10th-12th march (Entries have closed)

The weekend of MTB-O in creswick (Long-Sat, Sprint, Middle Sunday) 17th march-18th march. Give it a go!

And the Eureka Challenge on mount Beckworth the following Weekend 25/3 Sunday.


James Gray

Federation University Orienteering Club – Mt Helen Campus
Eureka Orienteers