Hi all


Thank you all those you have said they will help on Sunday. Below is a “roster’/ rough idea of who will do what and when.




Control checking:  Daylight – 10:00       Geoff, Ian L, Belinda and Warwick


Set Up:   7:30-  it’s done        Jenny, Blake, other early birds


Toilet Towing and Storing:    Rod


Parking:   8.30-10.30              Rod, Toby,  Roch (if needed)      When the rush dies down, parking can be self managed.


Registration/Covid Check In/ Nuisance Questions:      9:00 – 11:00       Judy and Roch

                                                                                               11:00-                  Jenny


Start:    9:00- 11:00               Dale, Heather, Blake, Gary

              11:00- 12.15             Belinda, Geoff


Finish:                                     Ian C,  Warwick (when Ian has a run)


Splits Printer Controller:      10:00- 11:00     Penny Greenslade

                                                  11:00 – 12.00   Ian L

                                                  12:00 – 14:15   Jenny


Pack Up:                                 14:00- …….   Jenny, Blake, Peter


Control Collection:               Geoff, Ian L, Belinda, anybody else with energy



I hope this is agreeable.

See you all on Sunday. Thanks again

