Hi everyone 

Here is the Agenda for the 48th Eureka AGM (aren’t we looking good at our advanced age!). The committee hopes you can attend in person at the Eastwood Leisure Complex, but if not please join us by ZOOM when Ian sends the invitation on Tuesday 21st March (just before the Wednesday meeting).

Agenda:  48th AGM – Eureka Orienteers Inc, Wednesday, 22nd March, 7:30 pm, Eastwood Leisure Complex

1. Attendance and Apologies (Ian C) – noting those attending on ZOOM
2. Minutes of 2021 AGM (held 7 June 2022 in Training Room 2 and by Zoom (Blake G) – corrections/additions at the meeting 
3. Reports – i) President Ian C;  ii) Treasurer (Acting) Blake G
4. Election of 2023 EU Club Executive Committee – please send nominations by email before 20th March to Secretary 
5. 2022 Event Reports – 2022 Aus Champs (Warwick W)
6. Membership fee for 2023 ($5 Seniors, $0 Juniors (paid as part of 2023 Victorian Orienteering Association membership)
7. Awards (Ian C) – Jenny Jamieson award, Tom Norwood award, Stuff-Up of the Year, Life Membership
8. General Business – Plans for Eastwood Community Hub (Mark V); How to use the Eureka Defibrillator (BJ)

9. Refreshments and chance to talk informally

0487 420 183