Hi everyone

Successful May Eureka meeting last night by Zoom – minutes to follow. But here is a request from our OVic President for a manager and coach of the schools team going to the Aus Champs in WA in late Sept / early October. Anyone interested?

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Begin forwarded message:

From: Carl Dalheim <president@vicorienteering.asn.au&gt;
Date: 10 May 2023 at 10:58:58 am AEST
To: Heather O’Donnell <whitesofmonty@optusnet.com.au&gt;, Anna Greenhalgh <greenhalgh_anna@yahoo.com.au&gt;, Bruce Arthur <brucearthur1@bigpond.com&gt;, Daniel Stott <ddstott@hotmail.com&gt;, Martin Kozma <martin@kozmatech.com&gt;, Peter Hobbs <peterhobbs64@hotmail.com&gt;, adroyal@dodo.com.au, carolynmaylayton@gmail.com, gavin.bennette@gmail.com, Geoff Adams <geoff.adams20@gmail.com&gt;, hania.lada@gmail.com, Ilse Du Toit <ilsedt@bigpond.com&gt;, Mel and Chris Kent <mel_chris@hotmail.com&gt;, Peter Mousley <peter@mousley.com.au&gt;, ruth5milecreek@gmail.com, Richard G <schools@vicorienteering.asn.au&gt;, natasha key <natashamrkey@gmail.com&gt;, Sarah Love <sarah@gsjs.org&gt;, Wen TAV <wentav44@gmail.com&gt;, Fredrik Johansson <johansson.fredrik@gmail.com&gt;, Stephen Bird <stephen.bird@rmit.edu.au&gt;, Clare Brownridge <clare_brownridge@fastmail.fm&gt;
Cc: David Jaffe <David_Jaffe@limebridge.com.au&gt;, Andrew Hunter <secretary@bkv.org.au&gt;, Jayne Sales <jayne.sales@gmail.com&gt;, Heather O’Donnell <yvocsecretary@gmail.com&gt;, Rex Niven <fortytroutelectronics@optusnet.com.au&gt;, Suzanne O’Callaghan <mariesmoc48@gmail.com&gt;, Blake Gordon <secretary@eurekaorienteers.asn.au&gt;, Ross Slater <secretary@bendigo-orienteers.com.au&gt;, Sylvia Murphy <TuckonieO@gmail.com&gt;, CHOC Secretary <centralhighlandsorienteers@gmail.com&gt;, Aislinn Prendergast <secretary@vicorienteering.asn.au&gt;
Subject: EOI – ASOC23 Victorian Schools Team Manager and Coach

Hi Folks,


It is great to see the fundraising has kicked off – well done all of you – and I look forward to the return of cheese toasties to warm up after running around in the forest.


I know that some of you are already making plans for travel, and I have made a reservation with AVIS for one 12 seater bus. I have also asked last year’s management team – Bruce, Heather, Wendy and Peter – to determine the selection races; so a few things are being organised.


Importantly, the ASCO23 Victorian Schools team will need a Team Manager and a Team Coach. If you’re interested in either of these positions please let me know and myself and the board will quickly make the appointments, cheers Carl.