Hi everyone

We have endured another difficult year with frustration over not being able to stage events over the second half of 2021.  But Eureka have had some memorable moments and significant contributions from courses planners, event advisors, volunteers and map makers. 

First we need a executive committee (President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer) for the 2022-2023 year – until the next AGM! Please check with the person you nominate (by phone or face-to-face) to see if they are happy to be nominated. 

Second please nominate anyone for the Jenni Jamieson Award, the Tom Norwood Award or the Stuff-Up of the Year Award. I’ve copied from our bright new website (thanks to Ian C) the criteria.

Now I need YOU to nominate deserving members for the 2021 awards. Lists of the former recipients are on the new website as a drop down under “ABOUT” Eureka.

Criteria for the Jenni Jamieson Award

An individual, group or organisation whose:
  • Action promotes interest and involvement in the sport of orienteering and a love of the Australian bush.
  • Determination has seen a project or innovation succeed.
  • Long term involvement in the sport of orienteering has established practices which by their very excellence have been adopted as a matter of course.
  • Action has not necessarily been formally recognised in other areas.
“The Jenni” Award itself will have a physical perpetual element, and will also encompass an additional aspect which in the opinion of the Committee suits the special interests of the recipient. 

Criteria for the Tom Norwood Award

Nominations should address the following criteria, but just as Tom’s involvement was diverse and innovative, a nomination will not be excluded because it fails to meet the criteria.

  • An individual or group who has shown innovation in developing new opportunities, for and within orienteering.
  • The Award itself will suit the special interests of the recipient.

“The Tom” Award will commence in 2019 and be presented annually.

The Stuff-Up of the Year 

This one is one of our favourites – and gives us all a laugh – thou at the time it might have been problematic how we could resolve the stuff-up on the spot! Past winners are particularly good at pointing out where these little lapses or major issues have occurred. So search your memory of the events in the first half of the 2021 year and give us a list which we can consider – might involve a bit of “acting out” at the AGM – followed by a vote! 

Given that the AGM is next Tuesday 7th June  you need to move quickly and send in your nominations to Blake (blakegordon1ATbigpond.com) by Sunday at 11.59pm please. Thanks in advance for your help and hope you can join us – either in person at 7:15pm at Eastwood Leisure Complex – or by Zoom (invitation sent by Ian in a recent email).
